Live Worship Services have resumed at Westview Presbyterian Church!!
Worship Service begins at 10 am.
Masks are now optional.
If you are not able to attend church in person, you can still join us for Westview Zoom Sunday Online Gathering Worship! If you would like to watch the Zoom Live Worship Services as it happens at 10 am on Sunday please send Westview an email at westviewpc@gmail.com so that your name/email address can be added/accepted to our Zoom live recordings and you can receive an automatic email reminding you of our upcoming live services. If you are in need of any assistance with Zoom please call Westview at (831) 724-6222 and leave a message. Someone will call you back as soon as possible.
A recording of the most recent Worship Service is available for those who could not attend live Service.
Sunday Worship Service Video,
March 23, 2025
Please turn on volume (bottom right on video) once video starts.

Hospitality -
Is Loving Your Neighbor as Yourself, Therefore Wanting the Same Rights and Freedoms for Your Neighbor As For Yourself
Westview is Now Offering Previous Sunday Worship Services in Audio Only.
To listen to one of our Worship Services just use your mouse to click on the one you want to listen to.
Worship Service
March 16, 2025 Audio Only
Sermon Title:
Hospitality - Small Acts of Welcoming & Loving Others that Together Have a Huge Impact!
Worship Service
March 9, 2025 Audio Only
Sermon Title:
Love of the Stranger
Worship Service
March 2, 2025 Audio Only
Sermon Title: Warning - Our Sin (Living Outside of Love) Has the Power to Kill. But Take Heart, God's Love Has Overcome the World!
Westview Church Midweek Recharge: Scripture Reflection, Prayer and Mutual Support
Wednesdays at 4 pm via Zoom
Westview midweek Zoom meetings with Biblical reflection and check-ins/social hour are held every Wednesday
at 4 pm . If you are interested in joining us and are not getting the email invitation with the Zoom link, please leave a voicemail message at (831) 724-6222 and someone will get back to you and give you the Zoom Meeting ID & Password. We'd love to see you. Please join us!!
Online Donations to Westview Presbyterian Church
To make an Online Donation to Westview Presbyterian Church through Paypal please use the Donate Button below. To specify where you want the donation to go, you should notice an "add a note" right under your donation amount on the last page before you finish making your donation. There you can specify if your donation is for Tithe (General Offering), SonRise Kitchen, Memorial Gift, Maintenance Fund, Pastor Appreciation, etc.
Please also add your address to receive an acknowledgment by mail.

SonRise Kitchen
Providing Breakfast to Those In Need!
Sew Fun Sewing Circle
Tuesdays, 9:30 - 12:30 at Westview
Quilting, Clothing Construction, Fabric and Color Selection, Tote Bags, Quilted Postcards and More!!

Westview Became a Flood Distribution Hub
Margo Receives the Hunger Fighter of the Year Award!!
Compassion Child
2023 Easter Potluck and Mother's Day Buffet
Watsonville Campesino Appreciation Caravan
Dr. Masako Miura honored at the Watsonville City Council Meeting on October 22, 2019.
Westview Presbyterian Church
Academic Scholarship 2019
Westview is Currently Looking
for a New Youth Leader
Please pray that Westview finds a New Youth Leader.
Please go to Events and Gallery for previous
Youth Activities and Photos.

Celebrating the 121 Historical Years of Westview!!
The Kitaji Bibles
On April 28, 2019, Laura Doiminquez-Yon Kitaji, Kay Ueda and Brian Taba spoke at our church about the Stanford’s Hoover Institution, the Kitaji Bibles transcribed by Captain Masuo Kitaji and Westview’s history.
On May 5, 2019 after Worship at Westview, knowledge about the History of Westview from 1898 - 1965 was shared through old photos/videos/slides/storytelling.
On May 19, 2019 after Worship at Westview, knowledge about the History of Westview from 1965 to the present took place.